ever since i can remember i've kept a list of the books i'm reading, or at least started to read. in a former life i used to keep that list up to date on my blog as well. that blog is someplace else, it's no longer being updated. since this blog is very much alive, and it'll mostly be about my reading, i am once again sharing the list.
i might add links to posts if ever i write blogpost about certain books. i'm not sure if my head, and writing, still works like that, but maybe some things never do change.
—, january
shakespeare, the merchant of venice
leo tolstoy, anna karenina
plato, symposium
lisa woollett, sea journal
aeschylus, prometheus bound
willa cather, o pioneers!
ralph waldo emerson, self-reliance and other essays
ovid, metamorphoses
—, february
fyodor dostoevsky, crime and punishment
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