five/ ten

another day, another charles warren eaton-copy/ sketch.

a value sketch first -- well, three of them actually, but the first two were rubbish. i'm fine with that; it's a warming up-thing, i think. also, the first two value sketches were done with other media. watercolor and... something else. it did not work for me. an inktense pencil and watersoluble graphite pencil do work for me.

after that my own version of eaton's landscape. 
(my version looks nothing like eaton's painting but i don't think i care.)

i found a picture of his painting on a website, over here; i can't figure out what it's called. so odd when art websites just plop in pictures of artworks without giving any credit. i've spend some time on pinterest and google pictures but i could not find it. title unknown. sorry, charles.

(27 august: found it! it’s called the strip of pines (1908). appropriate.)

i spend a long time on the sketches & then started the oil pastel drawing and got cranky because in the beginning it's always a mess & i was tired and thankfully had to take care of diner. i then watered the plants in the greenhouse (it's so warm these days, they need and deserve it). i returned, just got in there, and finished the page (right on time; just before the orange light returned). 

sometimes taking a break really helps.

(i then went outside for a bit and the clouds were doing all kinds of weird things. lovely soft things.)


maybe i should not have listened to a podcast while doing my own work.

i was listening to sandi hester's episode (part two) on the sneaky art podcast & i adore her, her work is gorgeous and free and i really like to hear her talk about her creative process -- but i think i was comparing notes. which, of course, is ridiculous because every person has her own way and it's even more ridiculous because i'm still figuring things out for myself.

anyway, i paused the episode & put some music in my ears. i was still cranky but at least i got some pastel on paper.

and now it's time for tea & a movie; mrs lowry and son, recommended to me (and every other reader of her blog) by luisa

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